Some optimization opportunities

Daniël Mantione daniel at
Mon Jun 21 12:51:02 CEST 2004

Marcos Dione wrote:

> well, here you're assuming that *nothing* is being done between
> gettimeofday()

Sure, that might be a wrong assumption, but it seems there
is not lot of calls being done between those calls. Especially if it is
related to events. But if it is already optimized, there's little one can
do there.

> calls. and as Maks pointed, strace *really* slows things a lot.

Yes okay. Well, I'm just pointing to optimization oppurtunities, it might
turn out there's nothing to optimize. I just check and while launching a
Konqueror and watching top in a terminal the system cpu time jumps from
3-4% to 20%. So, I guess there is something that can be optimized,
question is how much...

Daniël Mantione

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