Comparing KHTML in Quanta and Konq

Dirk Mueller mueller at
Mon May 26 21:13:38 CEST 2003

On Don, 22 Mai 2003, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:

> i can confirm this. the rendering is the same (subjective) speed in both 
> konqueror and quanta, but it's everything that leads up to the rendering in 
> konqueror that seems so much slower. which is understandable since quanta 
> doesn't have any toolbars to update and doesn't support nearly as many 
> viewing modes or plugins as Konqueror does (at least, AFAIK).

do you have a slow DNS server?

I've noticed that there are a terrible amount of DNS lookups done which hang 
if you don't have a local caching nameserver. 


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