KGoldrunner still silenced in KDE 4.6

Trever Fischer tdfischer at
Sun Apr 17 19:51:00 BST 2011

> On Saturday 09 April 2011 2:21:48 pm Ian Wadham wrote:
>> The background is that, in December 2010, I discovered that
>> my game, KGoldrunner, would not play sounds correctly using
>> Phonon.  The problem was so bad that I disabled the sound
>> feature completely for the KDE 4.6 release.  The code, as
>> released, is still in that situation.
> After many adventures I have succeeded in building KDE
> libraries from the ground up, using the latest trunk, with its
> mix of git and SVN, and the latest version of the kdesrc-build
> script.  As you can see from the attached, I have built phonon
> and phonon-gstreamer.  Also qt-copy was built with the no-phonon
> option.  I think kdesrc-build is getting phonon from
> git://
> Now the game emits a series of GStreamer-related
> error messages when it starts, if sound is turned on in the
> Settings (see log attached).  This is the point at which the game
> is loading its graphics and sound files.  When the game runs there
> is no sound at all.
> Back in December/January I could get sound, but it was severely
> delayed and out of sync after just a few seconds of play, ending with
> almost no sounds at all being played.  Trunk was then at the KDE 4.6
> release level, near enough.
> My theory is that my gstreamer package may be just too old.  Is there
> a minimum version requirement for Phonon?  I am using OpenSuSE 11.2
> and the gstreamer version from that distro is libgstreamer-0_10-0 or
> 0.10.24-3.1-i586.
> If you wish to build KGoldrunner from trunk, please edit the file
> kdegames/kgoldrunner/src/kgrglobals.h and uncomment the line
> that enables sound.  After the game starts, please check the Settings
> menu and make sure the sound setting is turned on.
> Any ideas?
> Cheers, Ian W.
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>From the log file, it looks like something is seriously fubar'd with your
gstreamer installation.

Try the command listed under "Recreating the gstreamer pipeline":

Trever Fischer (tdfischer)
Fedora Ambassador, KDE Hacker
GPG: C40F2998 hkp://

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