Rating music in armarok

Christophe Prud'homme prudhomm at mit.edu
Tue Oct 4 08:51:04 BST 2005

[ Mardi 4 Octobre 2005 09:49 ]
| After the announce of amarok live 1.3 withj open music (which is an awesome
| idea) I posted the text below on kde.org.
                                   ^^ dot.kde.org
| ---------
| Now that I am listening to magnatune tunes with amarok
|  I would like to be able to rate the music in amarok so that I know which
| song I liked and how much.
|  Would that be an interesting feature ? is that doable ? I know that amarok
| stores already statistics about songs but, to my knowledge, without user
| inputs. Now amarok may also take user inputs a bit like google mail and its
| star system.
|  The rationale behind it is that as you listen to new (unknown) music, say
| from magnatune, you may not recall which one you liked best. Being able to
| quickly rate the song will allow a quick sort on the preferred song and
| then allow to buy them from magnatune or other record label.
| ----------
| Best regards
| C.

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