Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Fri Jun 24 23:30:54 BST 2005

hi benjamin..

this is actually a devel list, so you may wish to direct future user-oriented 
questions to the user forums in future... 

On Friday 24 June 2005 04:22, Benjamin Sher wrote:
> Would appreciate your help in getting my CD to work. It seems to play in
> KSCD. Everything shows it to be playing (progress bar), but there is no
> sound. There is no problem with sound with my DVD or with my RealPlayer.
> But for some reason KSCD won't actually play the audio.

probably because your cd isn't directly connected to the sound card. in the 
kscd configuration (assuming you are using a recent enough version of KDE 
here) select digital audio output and it should work then.

Aaron J. Seigo
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