URL for Kmail and KDE session

Benjamin Sher delphi123 at zebra.net
Sat Jun 25 18:04:27 BST 2005

Dear friends:

My apologies for posting to the kde-multimedia list. I tried to post this 
message to the kde-linux list but it was returned to me with a fatal 
permanent error message. May I ask if someone could forward this message to 
kde-linux or perhaps answer the questions, which are standard KDE issues.

Thank you for your understanding.


May I ask two quick questions, please:

1) By default, Kmail launches Konqueror for URL's. Is there a way to change 
this to Firefox? I've looked in vain for a configuration option and have not 
found it.

2) When booting up to KDE 3.3, KDE always starts with four or five programs  
that I have to shut down. Where is the "startup" file (as in Windows) so that 
I can shut these programs down or how do I configure KDE to start clean and 
fresh each time?

Thank you so much.


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