patch: normalize effect for noatunarts

Felix Berger bflat1 at
Sun Jan 2 23:27:48 GMT 2005

On Sunday 02 January 2005 19:36, Stefan Westerfeld wrote:

> $ artsshell tradercheck
> to print warnings is not a good idea (however, one can't say that
> everybody cares about this rule...). If the feature to show/hide certain
> effects is wanted for noatun (or other apps), one clean way to go might
> be adding a new flag entry into .mcopclass files similar to for instance
> the already existing "Buildable" entry (artsbuilder uses this to
> determine which modules to show).

Thanks for pointing that out. I've attached my corrected Normalize.mcopclass, 
which also introduces a visibility property. I've also attached the patch for 
effects.cpp that checks if an effect has explicitly set the property to 
false. The default is true.

I can also correct the other mcopclass files, if this patch is applied.

Right now it looks like this on my system:

 artsshell tradercheck
Trader inconsistency in 'NoatunArts::EqualizerSSE':
 * missing interface Arts::SynthModule in Interface entry
Trader inconsistency in 'NoatunArts::FFTScope':
 * missing interface Arts::SynthModule in Interface entry
Trader inconsistency in 'NoatunArts::FFTScopeStereo':
 * missing interface Arts::SynthModule in Interface entry
Trader inconsistency in 'NoatunArts::RawScope':
 * missing interface Arts::SynthModule in Interface entry
Trader inconsistency in 'NoatunArts::RawScopeStereo':
 * missing interface Arts::SynthModule in Interface entry
Trader inconsistency in 'NoatunArts::StereoEffectStack':
 * missing interface Arts::SynthModule in Interface entry
Trader inconsistency in 'NoatunArts::StereoVolumeControl':
 * missing interface Arts::SynthModule in Interface entry
Trader inconsistency in 'NoatunArts::StereoVolumeControlSSE':
 * missing interface Arts::SynthModule in Interface entry


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