Fwd: Re: aRts vs JACK

Roger Larsson roger.larsson at skelleftea.mail.telia.com
Fri Feb 21 07:50:35 GMT 2003

On Friday 21 February 2003 07:12, Neil Stevens wrote:
> On Thursday February 20, 2003 12:50, Roger Larsson wrote:
> > On Thursday 20 February 2003 05:20, Neil Stevens wrote:
> > > Oh, give me a break, is kde-devel *still* full of multimedia whining?
> > > I hope it's a new thread, instead of one never-ending complain fest.
> >
> > Did you actually READ my message before replying to it?
> Yes, I did.  You're talking about "the problem with arts," 

So, If I say that something has a problem that immediately means
that I want to replace it totally?

> "how to keep ahead,"

I wrote:
  "will Stefan & co. be able to keep ahead of the rest".
  How to keep ahead:

How does that imply that I want to replace it?

> and supporting a plan to "rm -rf arts."

And I wrote 
"* a jack host(!) in artsd (a client should be implemented too...)"

Note: jack IN artsd, not instead of

> > > Let's see some code.  All this talk of "we" this and "we" that is
> > > inappropriate, as we who do the coding aren't seeing any new
> > > contributions.
> >

One more thing:

KDE multimedia developers, or at least you, have a problem if you think that
people who write bug reports are against you... or not working with you...
People who use arts and write bug reports are a part of "we" IMHO

> > Who are coding KDE multimedia today, and what are your current
> > area of work?
> The people I've seen active recently (so don't get mad if I missed someone,
> please :-)
> Stefan Westerfeld, Matthias Kretz, Matthias Welwarsky, Nikolas Zimmerman
> and Arnold Krille have done much work in aRts and KDE implementations of
> aRts interfaces, and KDE libraries around arts
> Charles Samuels and I have worked on apps and playobjects
> Ewald Snel wrote the video interface and a playobject
> I'd rather not see the work of all these people, including myself,
> discarded on a whim.  KDE 4 or not, the burden of proof on any replacement
> will be on the proponents of the replacement, and it will be a heavy
> burden.

So, no one is actively working with midi / libkmid?
That explains why I got no reaction to my patch:

> > I start with myself:
> >  I try to learn. And do some patches when I can improve something,
> >  like "[PATCH2] libkmid and alsa" that has received no reaction from
> >  others...
> >
> > > As for replacing our playobjects, I'd rather not.
> >
> > Did I suggest that? Didn't I write that arts was ahead of the
> > competition? Why should something that is ahead of competition be
> > replaced?
> You wrote of "competing code" and "code that is not expected to use," and
> included the decoder libraries we use.  Did I misunderstand you?


> >
> > Sometimes when I insert an effect, like FREEVERB, it does not sound that
> > great...
> You know how to use artsbuilder with kaboodle??? Could you tell me how to
> do it?  Thanks!

No, I used noatune.


Roger Larsson

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