Kontact Touch Icons

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 12:29:02 UTC 2012

On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 12:59 PM, Nuno Pinheiro <nuno.pinheiro at kdab.com> wrote:
> Very interesting subject,,, And meets directly into the What is the future
> of oxygen thing that i have been trying to discuss, mostly with myself :(.
> Any way if there is one place were oxygen fails misirably is the touch
> world, specialy phone factor world, beeing passable in touch/tablet... the
> reason for that is very simple and is sustained on the fact that wen oxygen
> was created it was ment for desktop use so we took alot of things as given
> and did a IMOdecent joob at it.
> then plasma started to spread out in to other directions that need new
> interactional paradigms, and oxygen was not able to keep up, for several
> reson but most importantly I'm just one guy and oxygen would need this days
> a team of 5 or 10 Nuno's just to keep up with all the things that are going
> on at any given time.

yeah, seems a slightly different style would be needed there

i think oxygen icons per se look good on a tablet as well, some pain
points are when there are too much icons together, like the app
launcher, that gives a more cluttered look, fixed if the icons looks
like more common, so enclosing them in button like things makes them
look more ordered.
probably for action icons as well something simpler could be needed
(we replaced most of them with simple shapes so far)

kinda as a counter point to this webos had icons that had a style
extremely similar to oxygen but yet looked not bad, perhaps was
because smaller screen->less icons at once

but yeah, good guidelines would be awesome. if perhaps the icons that
need to be different are kept very very simple (like, current systary
icons) it could sliglty even if just slightly lighten the burden and
the entry barrier

Marco Martin

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