[KDE/Mac] QSP ... again

David Faure faure at kde.org
Mon Mar 9 18:05:38 UTC 2015

On Monday 09 March 2015 13:26:52 René J.V. Bertin wrote:
> Hi,
> Following up on
> <https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-44473?focusedCommentId=275079&page=c
> om.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-2750
> 79> :
> - is there such a thing as a lowest common denominator component in KF5 that
> all applications link to obligatory (and that is not Qt5Core?) 

There isn't, on purpose.
We killed KApplication for a reason ;-)

People should be able to use a KF5 library just like they use any other Qt-
based library, i.e. for a specific purpose only, and without this changing the 
rest of the application dramatically (e.g. requiring a global object like a 
KApplication or a KComponentData, or initializing too many things under the 
hood, or ... changing how QStandardPaths works in the whole application).

So a runtime-switchable mode for QSP sounds like a terrible idea to me.
It makes apps break libs, since toggling this on/off in an app, will make a 
lib unable to find the files that it installed. This breaks both ways:
1) app assumes Linux mode, non-kde lib assumes native mode (and installs its 
files accordingly), boom.
2) KF5 assumes Linux mode, app sets native mode, boom.

This is actually an argument for making this per call.... i.e. instead of 
GenericDataLocation, a new location would be GenericXdgDataLocation, because 
the code that makes the call knows that it installed the stuff into an xdg 
location. This might look ugly to the Qt people though, I don't know.

If the situation is simply "macports is a self-contained world on a mac os x 
environment" then it seems to me that "on macports, QSP should use macports 
paths (i.e. mostly xdg-like, but with /opt/local as default). This might mean 
patching Qt (upstream or not). But I don't know if this is actually the 
reality, I'm having a hard time having a full picture of how things should 
work on Mac.

David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Working on KDE Frameworks 5

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