[KDE/Mac] phonon git - case-sensitive files

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 18:33:40 UTC 2015

On Thursday January 08 2015 19:27:27 Christoph Cullmann wrote:

> Hmm, for me it not even builds, as during build or already checkout
> stuff like
> "/Users/cullmann/local/kf5/src/kdesupport/phonon/phonon/includes/old/Phonon/AbstractAudioOutput".
> vanishs which lets make install fail.

Ah, I don't know phonon for KF5, but I do know that the 1st thing I do with each new Mac or boot disk is to create at least 1 work partition that's properly case-sensitive (and also holds MacPorts).
It seems OS X will now function correctly on a case-sensitive volume, so your best option might be to convert the file system. If you don't find a free tool to do that, try Coriolis iPartition.


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