[KDE/Mac] Slowdown :)

Marko Käning mk-lists at email.de
Sun Sep 14 08:12:04 UTC 2014

Hi Ian,

On 14 Sep 2014, at 09:32 , Ian Wadham <iandw.au at gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree.  There is no need to bust a gut over Frameworks/KF5
> for Apple OS X.  Slow and steady is the pace.  This is a long
> distance race… :-)

I DID work on it yesterday once again for many hours... :(
I must change that today, eventually. :(

> But before you go, did you finally succeed in building Bovo?

Ian, as I responded to Albert’s reply, I did not receive any email
from you directly and I am not subscribed to the kdegames list, yet.
Should I?

	Please resend your emails to me, Ian!

BUT, I had responded to a libkdegames/bovo-related on Sep 11th &
12th! Have  you perhaps missed my replies for some reason? Here they
are again.

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From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Marko_K=E4ning?= <mk-lists at email.de>
Subject: Re: OSX/CI: bovo fails to build on branch frameworks
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 00:38:38 +0200
Size: 1050
URL: <http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-mac/attachments/20140914/27d8bdba/attachment.eml>
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From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Marko_K=E4ning?= <mk-lists at email.de>
Subject: Re: OSX/CI: bovo fails to build on branch frameworks
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 21:04:43 +0200
Size: 2881
URL: <http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-mac/attachments/20140914/27d8bdba/attachment-0001.eml>
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> Esp. fixing the 'LEFT | UP' problem and C++11.  I wrote you
> a couple of emails about that and am sitting here in suspense,
> like the guy waiting for the other shoe to drop… :-)

How many am I missing, I don’t know…

I have two from Sep 9 and one from Sep 10 and I have responded to
all of them.

> Your exploits caused a stir over on the KDE Games list, with

*Exploits*? Uhh… I just took Treeve’s patches and tried them...
:-) I hope there was nothing bad sad about me "jumping guns" etc...

> bad marks from Jenkins CI when building libkdegames and
> Bovo.  Libkdegames has now been fixed to build OK with
> Phonon (the fallback), but that is not good for games sounds
> and performance.

Yep, I saw that Albert had fixed that. :)

> Next weeks' problem is to get OpenAL into Linux Jenkins,
> change it to REQUIRED in libkdegames and introduce some
> smoother, more automatic way for application ports to KF5
> to be tested by Linux Jenkins CI.

I see. That means OSX/CI(/Jenkins) is not not even faster
than Windows/CI, but also ahead of Linux/CI on that front!
Cool! :-D

> So, see how much good you have set in train… :-)

Yep. It’s a pleasure to see this.
Also that Albert - as in charge for quality - is happy to get our
support in general and my OSX/CI system’s support as well. :)
Good consolation for that the past months haven’t been in vain.

> I AM sorry,  though that all that blew up in your face.  I really did
> think that "porting to KF5" implies full testing by Linux Jenkins CI,
> exactly as it does for changes to KDE 4 apps.

There was something blowing up in my face??????

Oh, I see, if that is true I dare not to read those posts. :(
I can’t believe this now...

> We will… :-)


> All the best, Marko, and I hope you come back soon,

I was/am still there, although I do plan, no I must, take smaller
steps from now on.

But honestly, tell me, is it wise for me to read those posts? Albert’s
remarks at times re “jumping gun - as always” and alike are nothing I
need now - after all I have tried to achieve with months of  nights and
days spent at my machine here…
I mean, you know that I overdid it. They can ask Ben and they’ll get a
feeling for what I invested. And I am not talking about those 80EUR for
Parallels 9, which I paid out of my own pocket. I don’t even dare sum
up my work hours for the CI system. People interested could peek onto
the history of our wiki, or into my git repositories hosted at kde.org.

What shall I do?

My god, I am now even doing sort of sysadmin jobs on Linux/Jenkins
master and I plan to use “Jenkins Job Builder” to create a common way
of job config generation for Linux/OSX/Windows...
Perhaps I need to rethink whether it’s worth to invest this much into
a community which does not act as one - assuming that a shitstorm
happened on kdegames. :-(

I won’t read any of it unless you tell me it would be better to do so.


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