[KDE/Mac] here there be updates

Chris Jones christopher.rob.jones at cern.ch
Thu Jan 22 22:25:08 CET 2009

On 22 Jan 2009, at 8:03PM, Big O wrote:

> On Jan 21, 2009, at 7:00 AM, Chris Jones wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> wouldn't it be better if we just put aliases in
>>> /Applications/Macports/KDE4, much like QT's apps?
>>> so we'd have macports app in their /opt/local/ directory, and a  
>>> quick
>>> link in /Applications
>>> anybody agrees?
>> +1 here
> We could do that but why "/Applications/Macports/KDE4" as opposed to  
> "/
> Applications/Macports"?
> It would look neater but beyond that's what's the advantage?

Well, it is just a matter of opinion, but for me it is just nice to  
organize things like this. Qt4 has /Applications/Macports/Qt,  
similarly my various python installs have their own dub-dirs.  
Personally I would like to have all the KDE4 apps in their own sub- 
dir, rather than have them cluttering up the root /Applications/ 
Macports directory... Just my 2 pence worth.

BTW, is it possible for the KDE applications to have their proper  
icons ? At the moment they all get some default icon here. Not exactly  
high priority...

> As for putting the apps in ${prefix}/bin and linking to them from
> there: fine w/ me.


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