[kde-linux] 4.14.3 issues #1 Folder Widget

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 20 09:19:29 UTC 2015

On Tue, 20 Oct 2015 01:22:52 -0700, James Tyrer wrote:
>On 10/19/2015 01:57 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote: 
>> Why should a gifted autodidact have less abilities than an academic?
>A self taught person can learn the same things that they would learn
>in academia.  The problem is that they do not choose to do so and that
>they do not realize that they need to do so.

If this is your deep conviction and ...

>> Aren't a lot of KDE coders academics?
>A few but most are self taught hackers.

... most coders of the project don't have the abilities you expect from
coders to write software that fits your needs, wouldn't it be wise to
drop KDE and to use a desktop environment programmed by academics?

If they dislike your patches, you like the base frame of KDE (perhaps
it was written by the KDE academics), why don't you fork it with a group
of academic coders and refuse patches from autodidacts?

Just rhetorical questions ;). I won't reply to this thread anymore.


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