[kde-linux] Virtualbox start icon missing
1i5t5.duncan at cox.net
Fri Mar 21 07:28:35 UTC 2014
Mark Knecht posted on Thu, 20 Mar 2014 17:34:58 -0600 as excerpted:
> $ kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental
> kbuildsycoca4 running...
> kbuildsycoca4(11065) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry
> text/html in "/home/mark/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list" is not
> compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).
> $ cat /home/mark/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list
> [Added Associations]
> text/html=google-chrome.desktop
> [Default Applications]
> text/html=google-chrome.desktop
1) Those missing semicolon warnings should be just that -- they shouldn't
block generation of the menu, so you likely have some other issue.
At least that's what I've seen when I get warnings like that here.
2) At least all the entries in the [Added Associations] section should be
semicolon terminated -- they are here, and the text/html entry that it's
complaining about is in that section for you, but not semicolon
The [Default Applications] entries here are NOT semicolon terminated,
however, and I'd leave them as such.
I have quite a few entries in both sections (plus another section,
[Removed Associations]) as I obviously customize rather more than you
have, at least on that machine, and that appears to be the general rule
in both cases (semicolon-terminated added, no-semicolon-terminated
default), so particularly with the warning saying as much, I'd consider
it a bug that that particular entry doesn't have that semicolon. (Likely
it was a temporary bug that existed whenever you made that customization,
perhaps with your current version if you just made it.)
I'd do either one of two things:
2a) Simply add the terminating semicolon on that line manually, since
it's obvious that's what the problem is.
2b) Since there's only two entries there, both for chrome, recustomizing
the association if desired should be fairly easy. You could try simply
deleting them.
(OTOH I'd have a rather more difficult job ahead of me if I lost that
file here, given that it's 52 lines line including two blank lines and
three section headers, so I've over 40 customizations I'd have to
recreate, some of which it appears are actually a list, thus would likely
be multiple customizations per entry, at least if I did it via GUI!)
3) What the problem preventing that apparently just fine
virtualbox.desktop file from registering is, I'm not sure. But...
3a) Check permissions. Your user can access it when doing that
kbuildsycoca4 thing, correct?
3b) What happens if you copy the file to ~/.local/share/applications/ and
rerun ksycocoa4? Does it register then?
3c) If all else fails, try running an strace on ksycoca4 and see whether
it's accessing that file:
strace -eopen kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental |& grep virtualbox
(The -eopen says to trace file-open calls. Strace outputs to STDERR to
avoid interfering with STDOUT, so that has to be redirected in ordered to
pipe it to grep, thus the |&. Many apps, especially X-based, open SO
many files the output really needs grepped to reduce it to something
usable. Try it without that pipe to grep to see!)
If that doesn't work, try grepping /usr/share/applications/ instead, just
to make sure it's getting the directory. (But do be prepared for rather
more output!)
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
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