[kde-linux] Dolphin opening a text file as root with Kwrite.

Dale rdalek1967 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 12:23:59 UTC 2010

> On Monday 22 February 2010 02:37:27 Dale wrote:
>>>> So, how can I make this work on a more permanent basis.
>>> Well, that is the question, isn't it?  When you run KDESU, it is
>>> supposed to automatically initialize your root session.  So, your
>>> question comes down to why it isn't working.  I have to tell you that I
>>> don't know.  If you are using a distro, it is possible that this is a
>>> distro specific problem.
>> Do you know which package is failing?  I don't want to file a roach
>> report against the wrong package.  They will just close the thing and
>> let the problem hang out there in the wind.  I'm using Gentoo by the way.
> I don't know how Gentoo handle this, but KDE bugs are changed to the correct
> component if you get a wrong one.  I've just seen a message this morning that
> one of mine had been changed in that way.

But if it is a distro bug, then I would have to file it with Gentoo.  
Gentoo wants to know what fails and what package causes it.

>> I found a workaround tho.  I set up konqueror to work the same as it
>> does in KDE 3 and it works just fine.  It may break next week but it is
>> working for now.  Heck, I been in KDE 4 since my last post on here.
>> Just trying to muddle my way around and figure where the heck they hid
>> stuff.  lol
> Be aware that konqueror and dolphin share a great deal of code.  I would
> expect that if you get something as you like in one of them it should also
> work in the other one.
>> My biggest pet peave at the moment is the desktop slide show.  Every
>> time I click on something it wants to go "find" some new images.  You
>> have to understand that I have a boat load of pics on this thing.  I get
>> camera happy sometimes.  I wish it had a button for my to click when *I*
>> want it to go dig for new pics.  Of course, if it could look for pics
>> AND let me do other things at the same time, it wouldn't be so bad.
>> Maybe that is a up coming "feature".  lol
> I have desktop slideshow on this laptop, under Fedora, and don't have such a
> problem.  I think it's back to James to tell you what to look for.
> Anne

It may depend on how many pics you have in your directories.  I have 
over 160,000 of them on mine.  Depending on your machine's speed and how 
many pics you have, it may be doing but just so fast that it isn't 
noticeable.   I just know it didn't do this in KDE 3.  I had to go 
change it whenever I added pics.  I sort of like the idea of the new way 
but I don't like that it does it 3 or 4 times before I can get out of 
the thing.  It sort of goes overboard right now.


:-)  :-)

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