[kde-linux] System -> Printing doesn't work.

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. bss at iguanasuicide.net
Sat Feb 21 17:56:22 UTC 2009

On Saturday 21 February 2009 02:57:13 James Richard Tyrer wrote:
> When I start: "System -> Printing" the dialog opens with the options
> grayed out.

I don't have this dialog at all, or couldn't find it from your description.

Debian 5.0 + KDE 4.2 from Debian experimental.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                   ,= ,-_-. =.
bss at iguanasuicide.net                   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy         `-'(. .)`-'
http://iguanasuicide.net/                    \_/

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