[kde-linux] Cannot access certain site

Anne Wilson cannewilson at googlemail.com
Wed Mar 26 19:38:12 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 26 March 2008 19:19:24 david wrote:
> Anne Wilson wrote:
> > On Wednesday 26 March 2008 12:14:11 Dale wrote:
> >> Sorin Schwimmer wrote:
> >>> Hi All,
> >>>
> >>> My machine is still working to fix the problem
> >>> described here:
> >>> http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-linux&m=120605290007266&w=2
> >>>
> >>> The problem is now a Gentoo problem.
> >>>
> >>> Meanwhile, I have to do my daily routine. In trying to
> >>> do so, I found a website that I cannot access
> >>> (although I could before switching to KDE 3.5.8).
> >>>
> >>> The website is this
> >>> one:https://www.txn.banking.pcfinancial.ca/a/authentication/preSignOn.a
> >>>ms ?referid=loginBox_banking_go It is my bank's site.
> >>>
> >>> Their server is up and running, as I can go there with
> >>> a Firefox on a Windows box.
> >>>
> >>> I tried to change browser ID in Konqui, all the
> >>> choices, one by one, and nothing helped.
> >>>
> >>> For now, I loaded a PuppyLinux from a CD and paid the
> >>> bills that I had to pay, but I'd like to use my shiny
> >>> new KDE and its Konqueror to accomplish this.
> >>>
> >>> Any idea is welcomed.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> SxN
> >>
> >> I can confirm the same thing here.  Works fine on Gentoo Linux with
> >> Seamonkey but Konqueror gives a error.  May be a bug in Konqueror but I
> >> have no clue how to track it down.
> >>
> >> At least you know it is not just you tho.
> >
> > There are some sites that konqueror just can't handle.  I suspect that
> > they use M$'s 'extended' java.
> Then why would it work in Firefox or Seamonkey on Linux, as the original
> poster said? I don't think it has anything to do with MS.
I assume that the Mozilla spin-offs use a work-around that cannot be added to 
the existing code in Konqueror.  Remember that much of Konqueror is old code.  
It will be interesting to see whether the problem remains in KDE4.

> Konqueror has its own bugs. Somewhere in my email collection here I have
> a link to a completely W3C-valid web site that blows up in Konqueror and
> works fine in every other browser.

What do you mean by 'blows up'?  What is the url?  Just interested.  Konqueror 
under kde3 is not going to be fixed in that sense.  I'm not making excuses 
for it, but it is obvious that some sites are asking it to deal with 
something that simply wasn't around when the original code was written.  It's 
no good worrying about what can't be fixed.

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