[kde-linux] Cannot access certain site

david gnome at hawaii.rr.com
Wed Mar 26 19:19:24 UTC 2008

Anne Wilson wrote:
> On Wednesday 26 March 2008 12:14:11 Dale wrote:
>> Sorin Schwimmer wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> My machine is still working to fix the problem
>>> described here:
>>> http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-linux&m=120605290007266&w=2
>>> The problem is now a Gentoo problem.
>>> Meanwhile, I have to do my daily routine. In trying to
>>> do so, I found a website that I cannot access
>>> (although I could before switching to KDE 3.5.8).
>>> The website is this
>>> one:https://www.txn.banking.pcfinancial.ca/a/authentication/preSignOn.ams
>>> ?referid=loginBox_banking_go It is my bank's site.
>>> Their server is up and running, as I can go there with
>>> a Firefox on a Windows box.
>>> I tried to change browser ID in Konqui, all the
>>> choices, one by one, and nothing helped.
>>> For now, I loaded a PuppyLinux from a CD and paid the
>>> bills that I had to pay, but I'd like to use my shiny
>>> new KDE and its Konqueror to accomplish this.
>>> Any idea is welcomed.
>>> Thanks,
>>> SxN
>> I can confirm the same thing here.  Works fine on Gentoo Linux with
>> Seamonkey but Konqueror gives a error.  May be a bug in Konqueror but I
>> have no clue how to track it down.
>> At least you know it is not just you tho.
> There are some sites that konqueror just can't handle.  I suspect that they 
> use M$'s 'extended' java.

Then why would it work in Firefox or Seamonkey on Linux, as the original 
poster said? I don't think it has anything to do with MS.

Konqueror has its own bugs. Somewhere in my email collection here I have 
a link to a completely W3C-valid web site that blows up in Konqueror and 
works fine in every other browser.

gnome at hawaii.rr.com
authenticity, honesty, community

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