[kde-linux] Users guide to KDE?

Andreas Demmer mail at andreas-demmer.de
Fri Jul 4 13:25:52 UTC 2008

Anne Wilson schrieb am Friday 04 July 2008 um 15:13:35 Uhr:
> I've been in computing since the 80's and it has always been
> so.  .0 is 'mostly working, but you'll have some problems'.

I totally agree. Nevertheless, I was pretty concerned about the state of 
KDE4.0 in the early release candidates, way too many bugs and way to few 
features. I could not even work for 10 minutes without a serious crash which 
screwed up the whole desktop. But several weeks later, the 4.1 beta 2 has 
matured in a breathtaking speed: I use it for 3 weeks now (starting from beta 
1) and its pretty stable with a great joy of use. The developers have done 
(and are still doing) an amazing job. Two thumbs up! :-)


Skype:   andreas.demmer
ICQ:     103 924 771

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