[kde-linux] Some composite effects of KWIN4 not working?

Andreas Demmer mail at andreas-demmer.de
Fri Jul 4 05:20:11 UTC 2008

Anne Wilson schrieb am Thursday 03 July 2008 um 18:37:13 Uhr:
> How urgent do you consider this?  4.1 is due out at the end of this month,
> and will be available on distro mirrors very quickly after that.

You sure are right, I don't want to mess things up, too. Except for some tiny 
glitches, KDE 4.1's stability is awesome yet. :-)

I hope the described composite features will be fixed by then. It seems that 
not my box is the problem, I could not get the plugins to work on 2 completely 
diffrent machines.


Skype:   andreas.demmer
ICQ:     103 924 771

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