[kde-linux] Installing KDE4 on Sid

Anne Wilson cannewilson at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 31 20:52:34 UTC 2008

On Thursday 31 January 2008 12:35:38 Paul Cartwright wrote:
> On Wed January 30 2008, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > Don't underestimate the 'new look'.  What's really important about it is
> > that it uses svg graphics, so working with a small screen will be very
> > different from the present experience.
> on my laptop ( Kubuntu Hardy Heron Beta ) I installed KDE4. on my laptop I
> use thunderbird for email, so I'm not trying to get kontact or kmail
> running. On my desktop ( Debian Lenny) I use kontact for email and many,
> MANY rss feeds.. I don't know why I still get paper copies of newspapers, I
> read all about before the papers are ever delivered..
> 	ANYWAY, other than the user interface being different, what is it about
> the graphics that makes it different?

As I said, the fact that they are svg.  Scalable Vector Graphics.  They have 
lots of detail for when they are big, but can be scaled right down for small 
screens.  On the Eeepc, for instance, it is currently necessary to Alt+drag 
the screen about to find the Apply button in configuration screens.  They 
will just fit to the available screensize, using svg.

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