[kde-linux] Hotplug (USB) Problem with KDE 3.5.5 - dbus/hal

Kevin Krammer kevin.krammer at gmx.at
Fri Jun 8 17:02:29 UTC 2007

On Friday 08 June 2007, Hans Hacker wrote:
> Hi folks,
> i want to set up our system to use usbsticks/cameras/cds.
> I use Debian Edge and KDE 3.5.5 !
> KDE recognizes the usb device if i plug it.
> But if i want to open it i get the following message:
> A security policy in place prevents this sender from sending this message
> to this recipient, see message bus configuration file (rejected message had
> interface "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume" member "Mount" error name
> "(unset)" destination "org.freedesktop.Hal")
> i found out, that i need be a member of the group 'plugdev'
> the first idea was to enter it in '/etc/security/group.conf' ...
> for some reason that does'nt work !!
> so i modified '/etc/group' and added me to the group plugdev
> and it worked ...
> my problem is now, that in our company aprox. 100 people work ... and
> i can't add them all to the group by hand

If they are all in another group, e.g. "users", you could just copy this line 
in /etc/group and change groupname to plugdev and the group ID to the one 
plugdev originally had.

Another option is to add this other group to the D-Bus policy file fopr HAL


Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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