[kde-linux] Exporting mails from kmail

david gnome at hawaii.rr.com
Thu Jul 5 18:16:32 UTC 2007

Peter Humphrey wrote:

>> > When I start Thunderbird it offers to import mail, but only of one
> type:
>> > Communicator 4.0. I assume that will not do.
>> Kmail can import a gazillion different types of mail.  If you are
>> going to a package that can only deal with one type, does that
>> not tell you something?
> No, it suggests to me that some parts are missing, or that I haven't found
> the right way to do what I need. I looked on the Web site but couldn't see
> anything, which is why I asked here.

How many other mail clients can import mail from KMail? What that 
suggests to me is the KMail is intended to be an email black hole - you 
can put your mail is but you can't get it out - just another form of 
vendor lock-in, to me.

gnome at hawaii.rr.com
authenticity, honesty, community

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