[kde-linux] Starting ssh at log-in

Boyan Tabakov blade.alslayer at gmail.com
Mon Nov 20 13:28:17 UTC 2006

On 20.11.2006 14:33, Anne Wilson wrote:
> I backup my work regularly using rsync/ssh/keychain/cron.  When I set this
> up under FC4 I was asked for my ssh password immediately after the kde
> login screen, so I don't know whether it became part of the kde login, or
> whether that was just coincidental.  Now, under FC6, I start sshd when I
> first open a console.  If I have not done that by the time the first cron
> is schedules to run, it fails.
> If it was part of the kde login, I presume there is something that needs
> adding/editing.  Can anyone help?  That method was much better than the
> current one.
> Anne

What do you mean by ssh password? Is this the password for a remote machine? 
What exactly is your backup procedure? If you give some more detail, maybe 
we'd be able to give you an automated way to do this.
Anyway, I don't think your previous routine was part of KDE login. Maybe there 
was a script that was automatically invoked upon login, but that was not the 
login itself.

Blade hails you...

Forever shall the wolf in me desire the sheep in you
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