[kde-linux] Linux for the visually impaired

Anne Wilson cannewilson at tiscali.co.uk
Mon Feb 27 22:05:41 UTC 2006

On Monday 27 February 2006 17:02, Thomas Taylor wrote:
> On Monday 27 February 2006 07:42, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > Our local LUG has a member who is severely visually impaired.  He is a
> > newbie, but appears to have a good deal of determination.  His platform
> > of choice is Ubuntu, and he is getting to grips with Gnopernicus.
> >
> > He want to use some sort of money/accounting program, and has asked us to
> > help him assess the possibilities.  While running a kde application on
> > gnome is normally no problem, we have no idea whether running, for
> > instance, kmymoney is feasible in this situation.  Can anyone comment?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Anne
> Hi Anne:
> As long as you have the KDE libraries loaded, there should be no problem
> running any kde app under gnome or vice-versa.
> Don't know if Ubuntu has the accessability programs, but there used to be
> one called kmagnify under kde.  You could look for something there.  I'm
> using fedora and didn't load the accessability programs on my system.

Hi, Tom.  The user in question has no sight at all, so the first thing would 
be to get speech working.  I've offered to help all I can with the training 
for using the finance package.  I run FC4.  I've installed gnopernicus, but 
when I tried to run it I got lots of warnings, and when I closed it Festival 
continued to take 99-100% cpu, so clearly something's not right.

It's a steep learning curve when you throw in unfamiliar distro, mixture of 
gnome and kde, and possible hardware conflicts.  Still, I'd like to get 
something working here so that I can help him more.

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