[kde-linux] KDE 3.4.2 upgrade issue using konstruct

David B. Frager dbfrager at fragers.com
Sat Oct 8 11:48:32 UTC 2005

I am running FC2, and have recently upgraded my KDE to 3.4.2 using konstruct.

While running kmail, I get the following error when attempting to run spell checker:

ISpell/Aspell could not be started. Please make sure you have 
ISpell or Aspell properly configured and in your PATH.

I have tried configuring kmail for both aspell and ispell, and I get the same error each time

[root at erica aspell]# which ispell
[root at erica aspell]# 
[root at erica aspell]# which aspell
[root at erica aspell]# echo $KDE_DIR
[root at erica aspell]# 

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