[Kde-l10n-es] RKWard translation
Thomas Friedrichsmeier
thomas.friedrichsmeier en ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Mar Nov 18 16:37:51 UTC 2014
RKWard is currently moving to KDE.org, and our message template should appear
in KDE svn on the next run of scripty (KDE 4). Our existing translations have
been imported. However - and this is why I am contacting you - the Spanish
translation still has over 100 new "suggestions" pending on
translations.launchpad.net (where we were managing translations, up to now).
See https://translations.launchpad.net/rkward/trunk/+pots/rkward/es/+translate
for details. You can chose to filter for "items with new suggestions".
I don't speak Spanish, but these look like sane suggestions to me, and I would
hate if these simply got lost in our transition. Could somebody please take a
look at this?
Thomas (RKWard dev)
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