[Kde-l10n-es] Fwd: [IMPORTANT] Preparing for KDE SC 4.4 (fifth nag)

Jaime Robles jaime en kde.org
Dom Ene 17 15:06:19 CET 2010


Inicio del mensaje reenviado:

> De: Albert Astals Cid <aacid en kde.org>
> Fecha: 17 de enero de 2010 13:11:32 GMT+01:00
> Para: "KDE i18n-doc" <kde-i18n-doc en kde.org>
> Asunto: [IMPORTANT] Preparing for KDE SC 4.4 (fifth nag)
> Responder a: KDE i18n-doc <kde-i18n-doc en kde.org>

> Hi all, we are two days away from the second RC for KDE SC 4.4
> As always http://l10n.kde.org/stats/gui/trunk-kde4/essential/  
> defines if your
> language is to be released with KDE SC 4.4 or not.
> According to http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.4_Release_Schedule 
>  the
> KDE SC 4.4 tag day is 3rd of February (less than three weeks from  
> now) so you
> should have things commited by 1st of February or earlier so scripty  
> has the
> chance to merge .desktop files back.
> The following teams were in KDE 4.3 but at the moment don't meet the  
> release
> criteria, the list has the team code and the messages missing to be  
> translated
> to meet the release criteria
> bn_IN - 2740 messages (kdebase)
> fi    -   81 messages (kdebase)
> hi    - 1492 messages (kdebase)
> hne   - 2106 messages (kdebase and kdelibs4.po)
> kn    - 1006 messages (kdebase)
> mai   - 2709 messages (kdebase and kdelibs4.po)
> mk    - 1936 messages (kdebase and kdelibs4.po)
> ml    -  363 messages (kdebase)
> mr    - 3282 messages (kdebase and kdelibs4.po)
> tg    - 1815 messages (kdebase and kdelibs4.po)
> th    - 1324 messages (kdebase and kdelibs4.po)
> wa    -  870 messages (kdebase)
> Albert
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