[Kde-l10n-es] Fwd: KDE translation history for various teams
Jaime Robles
jaime en kde.org
Sab Ago 15 10:37:23 CEST 2009
Inicio del mensaje reenviado:
> De: Karl Ove Hufthammer <karl en huftis.org>
> Fecha: 15 de agosto de 2009 00:12:56 GMT+02:00
> Para: KDE i18n-doc <kde-i18n-doc en kde.org>
> Asunto: KDE translation history for various teams
> Responder a: KDE i18n-doc <kde-i18n-doc en kde.org>
> KDE translators,
> Are you interested in the history of KDE translation for your
> language, which
> people have been working on the translation, and when they have done
> so?
> This information is actually stored in the PO files, and I’ve create
> d a simple
> script for displaying it graphically. Here’s two examples, for Norwe
> gian
> Nynorsk and Norwegian Bokmål:
> http://huftis.org/kritikk/translation-statistics-nn.png
> http://huftis.org/kritikk/translation-statistics-nb.png
> The blocks show when each translator has been working, and the
> number inside
> each block shows how many files (not times) s/he edited that year.
> The names
> are sorted by last year worked, and then by first year worked.
> How to generate this statistics? First you’ll need to normalize the
> headers in
> the PO files. You can easily do this with the pology tools:
> posieve normalize-header folder
> Then you have to download the scripts:
> svn checkout --depth empty \
> svn://svn.skolelinux.org/skolelinux/trunk/i18n/skript/
> cd skript
> svn up translation-statistics.sh
> svn up translation-graph.R
> The system consists of a simple bash script and a R script.
> You’ll find R at http://www.r-project.org/ and it’s also packaged
> in all major distros. You’ll also need to ensure that the ggplot2
> package is installed in R. (Running R, preferably as root, and typing
> install.packages("ggplot2") should do the trick.)
> Then you only need to run
> ./translation-statistics.sh folder-with-po-files
> and the image will be created automatically, and even optimised for
> putting on
> the Web if you have optipng installed.
> Some caveats: The statistics may be unreliable for several reasons.
> For
> instance, if you use a text editor to edit the files, your name will
> not
> automatically be added to the file. Also, in older versions of
> KBabel, it was
> possible to turn off the automatic credits insertion. And if you
> used the auto-
> translation feature of KBabel, your name will be listed in many
> files, even if
> you did not actually edit them. (There are also various other
> reasons that the
> statistics may be wrong or misleading.)
> If the statistics looks messed up because the same translator has used
> slightly different names, or different e-mail addresses, this is an
> excellent
> time for cleaning up the PO file headers … This command should give
> you
> a nice overview:
> find folder-with-po-files -name '*.po' | xargs grep -h '^# .*<.*@' | \
> sed -r 's/([^,]+),.*/\1/' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
> Feel free to suggest any improvements to the scripts.
> --
> Karl Ove Hufthammer
> http://huftis.org/
> Jabber: karl en huftis.org
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