Re: 倉庫番ゲーム

Fumiaki Okushi fumiaki.okushi @
2022年 10月 4日 (火) 00:24:37 BST

I want to point out that "victory" makes another suggestion below (not 
mentioned in Engish) - 蔵当番 (kuratoban) - which I think is another good 

Again, just to help Friedrich understand the differences,
the 蔵 (kura) means the same,
but the 番 in 蔵番 and 蔵当番 would mean differently (at least in my mind).

The 番 in 蔵番 would mean a watch (a person) as in a watch guard (but less 
so of the aspect of a guard).
Some examples of 番 with the same meaning would be:
留守番, where 留守 means to be away from home, and as a compound term, it 
means a person who watches over the house when the rest of the family 
members are away.
電話番, where 電話 is a phone (a device), and as a compound term, it means a 
person who watches over the phone in case someone calls.

The 番 in 蔵当番 or 当番 is a turn of role or responsibility, and 当番 is the 
person who has the current turn.
If you live with housemates, you may take turns cleaning the house.  In 
that case, you have 掃除当番, where 掃除 means cleaning.

The "o" in kuratoban is a long vowel.
If pronounced with a short vowel, I don't think it would mean anything.

Hope this helps.

Fumi(aki) Okushi

ps) I agree with "victory" on 蔵 vs 倉庫 below.
My explanation wasn't as good as I had hoped..
Thanks for adding to the discussion..

On 10/3/22 1:50 AM, victory wrote:
> On 2022/10/03 5:15, Fumiaki Okushi wrote:
>> I just want to add that I like the suggestion of Kuraban.
>> I agree that 蔵番 (kuraban) and 倉庫番 (sokoban) basically mean the same.
> それなら蔵当番みたいにした方が座りよくね?
> soukobanに意味なんて無いんだし元がそうこばんだから
> アナグラムでBAN-SO-KO-(絆創膏=bandage)とかにするのもアリかもしれない
> as "soukoban" means nothing from the start,
> and original name is SO-KO BAN,
> it may be good to call itself BAN-SO-KO (絆創膏, means bandage),
>> Just to help Friedrich make a decision, the differences of 蔵 (kura) 
>> and 倉庫 (soko), at least to me, are in scale and the time period of 
>> use (not of the word but of the structure).
>> I feel 倉庫 (soko) to be larger and more recent/modern.
> slightly different for me;
> "蔵" implies historical building
> with a stone wall used as a part of its exterior wall:
> maybe basically same as what Okushi-san is saying :)
> "倉庫" includes like every kind of storage,
> from 1-room in the office, to a larger scale of buildings
> and also "蔵".
> -- 
> victory the 茶々入れ

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