Re: 倉庫番ゲーム

victory victory.deb @
2022年 10月 3日 (月) 09:50:36 BST

On 2022/10/03 5:15, Fumiaki Okushi wrote:
> I just want to add that I like the suggestion of Kuraban.
> I agree that 蔵番 (kuraban) and 倉庫番 (sokoban) basically mean the same.



as "soukoban" means nothing from the start,
and original name is SO-KO BAN,
it may be good to call itself BAN-SO-KO (絆創膏, means bandage),

> Just to help Friedrich make a decision, the differences of 蔵 (kura) and 
> 倉庫 (soko), at least to me, are in scale and the time period of use 
> (not of the word but of the structure).
> I feel 倉庫 (soko) to be larger and more recent/modern.

slightly different for me;
"蔵" implies historical building
with a stone wall used as a part of its exterior wall:
maybe basically same as what Okushi-san is saying :)

"倉庫" includes like every kind of storage,
from 1-room in the office, to a larger scale of buildings
and also "蔵".

victory the 茶々入れ

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