[Kde-imaging] Adding kipi plugin, do I need to become KDE developer

Kevin Dalley kevin at kelphead.org
Wed Jul 3 06:37:18 UTC 2013

I looked at photivointegration. However, that plugin didn't really get 
very far. The name is good. I took the icon, and followed the lead for 
using the tools menu. However, the more important part of the work I did 
was to add an option to photivo which uses digikam sidecars. Once that 
was in place, the digikam plugin was fairly simple.

Screenshots wouldn't show much here. Just choose an image, send it to 
photivo. There isn't a separate window. Actually, if more than one image 
is chosen, there is an sorry message which appears.

The important part of this feature is that all digikam information is 
passed to photivo. Any image generated by photivo will show the information.

There is a discussion here:


Here is my README:

This is a kipi plugin which calls photivo, using digikam sidecars

This plugin calls photivo using arguments of the image file,
and a sidecar, if the sidecar exists.

Photivo requirements:
This plugin requires a version of photivo which supports the
"--sidecar" option.

Digikam settings:
The following digikam setting should be set.
Go to this setting:
Settings=>Configure digikam...
Under the setting:
       Write this Information to the Metadata:
       Select all data which should be passed to photivo. I select
       everything except Face Tags; Face Rectangles do not seem
       to be copied correctly.

Under the setting:
       Write to sidecar files
       Write to XMP sidecar for read-only image only

Under digikam:
Choose Image=>Photivo

Rating in sidecar takes precedence over pts file
The rating in the pts file will be ignored if there is a rating in the 


Here is my workflow.

Load photos from camera into digikam

Use digikam to select preferred photos
I use PickLabel and Rating, mostly.
In the process, I may use digikam to make the decision, saving a pts
file during this process.

Image=>Metadata=>Edit all Metadata...
EXIF Caption=>Description (this becomes Title in flickr)
      alternatively, edit IPTC Content=>Headline or XMP Content=>Headline
EXIF Caption (this becomes Description in flickr)
      alternatively, edit IPTC Content=>Caption or XMP Content=>Caption

Edit GPS data
Perhaps Use Image=>Geo-location

Run photivo by choosing Tools=>Photivo...
This will load sidecar data
Load pts file, if it exists

On 07/02/2013 10:21 PM, Gilles Caulier wrote:
> Hi.
> Yes, typically it's the best way to work.
> Not that we have already a tool for photivo, which have not been completed :
> https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/graphics/kipi-plugins/repository/revisions/master/show/photivointegration
> Do you have based your implementation to this tool ? Or it's a new one ?
> Which feature do you have implemented in this tool ? Do you have any
> screenshots ?
> Best
> Gilles Caulier
> 2013/7/3 Kevin Dalley <kevin at kelphead.org>:
>> I have a photivo kipi plugin which I want to upload to a git branch.
>> Do I need to become a KDE developer to do this.
>> This plugin also requires a photivo modification, which I am working on.
>> It is at:
>> https://code.google.com/r/nereocystiskevin-digikam/source/checkout
>> The goal is to integrate digikam tags, etc, into photivo.
>> For me, this allows a useful workflow.
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