[Kde-imaging] kolourpaint + kipi

Martin Koller kollix at aon.at
Sat Jan 22 14:02:46 CET 2011

Hi all,

my name is Martin Koller and I'm currently in the process of reviving kolourpaint
as announced on kde-graphics-devel and I'm also thinking of integrating
the kipi-plugin mechanism into it.

But currently I'm not sure if the kipi-plugins are a useful addition
for kolourpaint, as AFAIK the plugins act on a set of images (files ?)
but kolourpaint is more for editing single files, without having the
concept of an "image collection".

Are kipi-plugins only meant to act on files or is there also an interface
which allows to create a plugin acting directly on a QImage, e.g. to
apply some effect (mirroring, rotating to name the simplest ...) ?

Also I did not find some tutorial what I need to implement for the integration.
Is there one or do I need to look at some other app which is using kipi
already to see how it works ?

Another question: what is the difference between the 
kde-graphics-devel mailing list and this one kde-imaging ?
When to use which ?

Best regards/Schöne Grüße

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