[Kde-imaging] KIPI Import plugin for web service

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Wed Jan 14 15:58:57 CET 2009

2009/1/11 Luka Renko <lure at kubuntu.org>

> Hello,
> After completing SmugMug export plugin, I would like to add Import
> functionality for SmugMug to KIPI.
> Idea is that user could select SmugMug albums, his/hers or from other users
> and that all images would be downloaded to specific local directory.

If i understand, you want to download from smugmug to computer

> As KIPI works with collections, it looks like I would need to offer to user
> the target directory my listing all collections and then get destination
> directory through colection->uploadPath(). But I am not sure how user could
> create new folder/album for download.

To select collection, use KIPI::UploadWidget.

When i have re-implemented this template widget in libkipi, i have forget
the case to create a new collection on your kipi host.

This template widget is re-implemented in host application to follow
dedicated model view, which can be different in host applications.

I recommend to extend KIPI::UploadWidget to be able to create a new physical
collection using a button somewhere in widget. You must only set virtual
methods in libkipi to delegate to host the way to implement gui (the "New"
button in this case). Also, new collection creation is done in kipi host
application interface : do not force to create a folder for collection
because kphotoalbum for ex, do not use this way.

Note: libkipi do not include i18n. It must still like this. host
applications implement gui and solve internationalization.

> Do I understand it correctly, that there is no way to add new
> collection/album/folder through KIPI?
> For Digikam, I could offer just regular create directory folder on the
> right
> starting path (root of digikam photos), and then digikam would pick this
> photos (autodetect) when they would appear in this folder. But this does
> not
> seems like universal solution.
> Also, there is no way for KIPI plugin to update name/comment of image
> collection (for example with name/comment from SmugMug album)?

yes. kIPI::ImageCollectionShared class need to be extended.

Note : all new code can be posted to kdegraphic from  trunk, since KDE4.2
branch has been created.


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