[Kde-imaging] KDE-imaging Coding Sprint event 2009

Marcel Wiesweg marcel.wiesweg at gmx.de
Sun Aug 30 16:35:17 CEST 2009

> As previous year, Angelo and me we want to organize a Coding Sprint
> between all developers who contribute to KDE Imaging project.

If I remember correctly, it is KDE policy to encourage inviting developers who 
have only recently started contributing or who have not yet met personally 
with the team.
The latter but not the former of course applies to Andi (you certainly do 
come, dont you? ;-)  ).

Some new people we could think of inviting:
- the French students writing image plugins?
- Patrick Spendrin for the Windows port?
- Holger Foerster working on MySQL port?
- Torsten Rahn or someone else from the Marble team?
- Mikolaj as our community manager? Testing, mockups, ideas, feedback.
- we recently got some patches from Michael G. Hansen, I'm not sure if he is 
involved with some other development team

Inviting someone external would imply that he is working on a task during the 
meeting which is either a clearly defined subtask of KDE imaging, or on a 
component that we use or intend to use.
Just some ideas.


> Genoa is a always a good candidate for the event. The date is to
> define. October sound like the best one excepted from 3 to 11 where a
> boat race is planed to Genoa, which will reduce chances to find an
> accommodation.
> This year, Andreas Huggel from Exiv2 project want to join us, but this
> will depand of event date.
> Please let me hear if you will contribute to this event, and which
> date around october is fine for you.

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