[Kde-imaging] Export and Import to IPTC

Carrion, Fabian (GE Money, consultant) Fabian.Carrion at ge.com
Fri Mar 9 02:15:17 CET 2007

Yeah I have to take care about c++ exception.
I haven't use your libkexiv2 interface because Jesper tells me to use that library.
Ok I had a look at your metadataedit plugin.
My plugin should map directly ImageInfo datas to IPTC tags and IPTC tags to ImageInfo datas.
Right now I maped it that way from info to Iptc:
Iptc.Application2.Headline   <--  info.title
Iptc.Application2.Caption    <-- info.description
Iptc.Application2.Category  <-- album.name
Iptc.Application2.DateCreated <-- info.time().toString("yyyy-MM-dd")
Iptc.Envelope.TimeSent          <-- info.time().toString("hh:mm:ss")
Iptc.Application2.Keywords     <-- info.attributes().key("Keywords")
Iptc.Application2.City              <-- info.attributes().key("Locations")
Right now I maped it that way from Iptc to info:
info.setDescription                  <-- Iptc.Application2.Caption
info.addAttributes("Keywords") <-- Iptc.Application2.Keywords
info.addAttributes("Locations")  <-- Iptc.Application2.City
info.setTitle                             <-- Iptc.Application2.Headline
Just want to know if you agree with this mapping.
Does metadataedit do the same ?
If not I can think about an integration between both plugin =)

-----Original Message-----
From: Gilles Caulier [mailto:caulier.gilles at gmail.com]
Sent: Jueves, 08 de Marzo de 2007 05:55 p.m.
To: kde-imaging at kde.org
Subject: Re: [Kde-imaging] Export and Import to IPTC


I have take a look into you code. Just "en passant" i have seen that you use Exiv2 library directly without take a care about C++ exception...

If something is wrong during metadata tags manipulations, the plugin will crash... 

Why not to use my libkexiv2 interface ?


Also, can you give us more informations about your plugin ? what it must doing exactly ? Is your code cannot be included into MetadataEdit kipi-plugin ? 



Gilles Caulier

2007/3/8, Carrion, Fabian (GE Money, consultant) < Fabian.Carrion at ge.com>: 

Hi the list,

The patch is available at : http://fabien.carrion.free.fr/iptc-0.1.tar.bz2

The IPTC integration is already in. But I have a lot of problems to 
map iptc metadata tags on the kipi infos. Could you please help me ?

The import and export functionality are working.

I would like to have a good feedback ! I like eXtreme programing :)

Fabien Carrion

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Kde-imaging at kde.org

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