[Kde-imaging] Fwd: kde bugs

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Tue Jan 2 23:12:56 CET 2007

Alle 20:13, martedì 2 gennaio 2007, Jesper K. Pedersen ha scritto:
> I completely agree with this email, that it isn't eactly usefull that people 
> get emails back when they register a bug, but I dont really know what to do.
> I see these options of which I dont really like any:
> 1) moderate the list (I did this for a long time, and it feels like a rather 
> nasty waste of time to allow all these bug reports through)
> 2) only allow subscribed people to send mail (which is the current situation)
> 3) open it up, which means lots of spam will come in again.
I don't know if there's no other way i believe that is the only solution.
> 4) not send email to the list when people file a bug
hmm that helps a lot, people can read a bug an confirm that if they are
subscribed. Tests and feedbacks are always welcome.

> Any comments?
is there any way to let them pass if they have @bugs.kde.org somewhere?

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