[Kde-imaging] What does sink mean in the context of kipiplugin_sync

Colin Guthrie kde at colin.guthr.ie
Sun Feb 11 00:39:25 CET 2007

Oliver Dörr wrote:
"sink", i have no idea why this term is used here. Perhaps must
>> be "sync"...
> Ok,
> i'll use sync instead. this would make much more sense to me ;-)

The strings are likely to be changed a lot, so there is really no point
in translating this yet Oliver.

And although Sync and Sink sound the same they are very different.

In the Sync plugin, the term Sink refers to the synchronisation
destination. The terminology is fairly standard: source->sink (it's used
e.g. in electronics and in mutisync AFAIK).


|     Colin Guthrie      |
| kde(at)colin.guthr.ie  |
| http://colin.guthr.ie/ |

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