[Kde-imaging] new release thoughts (and thoughts)

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Mon Nov 20 11:36:19 CET 2006

Alle 11:24, lunedì 20 novembre 2006, Colin Guthrie ha scritto:
> Angelo Naselli wrote:
> > Hi,
> >>> Well since 1) and 2) means committing something new on svn, I believe
> >>> we should wait for a while to release new kipi, so a week more
> >>> it could be a gooda idea.
> >
> > which are the kipi-plugins dependencies for ipod and libexiv?
> > I mean Col couldn't build under Mandriva developer version, that
> > should have last release of any packages, reading the svn log
> > of README file Gilles said: "update Exiv2 depency to future 0.12 release".
> > 
> > That makes me thinking that next beta could not be released with such
> > limitation, am I wrong?
> I guess Gilles comments on the libexiv related stuff are fair (we wait
> for a new release of exiv2 as I understand it).
Right, as far as I understood from Gilles there're problems with 
current libexiv. Now Gilles what do you suggest, we'd better to wait
for it?
> But I am not sure about the libgpod stuff. Seb is the expert their but
> from what I can tell, there is no public release of e.g. 0.4.1 version
> which I presume is needed by Seb's latest revision.
Seb, do you know when? IIRC you said one or two weeks, is it correct?

We're not in a hurry, so IMO we can wait for those libraries, since the most
important changes by now, are the new plugins.
A week more can be managed also fo fixing some bugs, Valerio I believe you can
go on with your slideshow improvement...

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