[Kde-imaging] Start working on next kipi release

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Fri Jul 14 22:33:36 CEST 2006

> > 2) cooperate to avoid long time in which we can't compile from svn
> Do not commit anything which does not compile. If you commit stuff that needs 
> adjustments to the host app you have to supply patches for all host apps to 
> this mailinglist.
> > 3) assign bugs to the maintainers
> I see Vardman doing this, but it means that this mailinglist will no longer 
> receive updates on the bug. Which I do not like. So if you reassign, add 
> kde-imaging  to the subscribers of the bug.
Didn't think about that :( You're right. Well we'll try to go on as before,
in the case we assign a bug we *must* put kde-imaging at least in cc.

> > 4) decide what to do with the "impossible" wishes (I wonder if there is
> >     something impossible for us? :) )
> Close. Also when you dont like a wish, say so in the bugreport.
Well I believe, last decision should be taken by plugin's maintainer if
the wish is related to a specific plugin.
> > 5) trying to write down a kipi-plugins and co roadmap
> Cool.
Let me know when we start and how much the changes cost (day) so
that we can try to estimate a day.

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