[Kde-imaging] Discussing the future of kipi and kipi-plugins

Tom Albers tomalbers at kde.nl
Mon Jan 23 00:12:18 CET 2006

Op zondag 22 januari 2006 23:38, schreef Sebastian Röder:
> My short answer is: regard the nice idea of sharing certain functionality
> between KDE imaging programs as failed - bring the kipi and kipi-plugins
> code back to digikam-core and do the further development there.

Well, from my point of view, I really want to stress that I very much like the 
kipi's. I'm frustrated by the current situation because the digiKam devs are 
the only ones doing the work. Even the most simple tasks as filtering dups 
from bko are done by us.

On the other hand I saw some functionality arise in kipi capable applications 
which could have been done as a kipi and where we would all benefit from. 

I have no trouble with an extra ml, extra kipi or another repository. Renchi 
is no longer developing for digiKam, so we are down one guy here. 

What I like to know if any other developer is going to care about the 
kipi's... If not, you might be right, but don't expect tremendous progress in 
the kipi's, we could use developers whereever it is located.

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