[Kde-imaging] Discussing the future of kipi and kipi-plugins

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Mon Jan 23 10:24:26 CET 2006

Alle 00:12, lunedì 23 gennaio 2006, Tom Albers ha scritto:
> Op zondag 22 januari 2006 23:38, schreef Sebastian Röder:
> > My short answer is: regard the nice idea of sharing certain functionality
> > between KDE imaging programs as failed - bring the kipi and kipi-plugins
> > code back to digikam-core and do the further development there.
> Well, from my point of view, I really want to stress that I very much like
> the kipi's. I'm frustrated by the current situation because the digiKam
> devs are the only ones doing the work. Even the most simple tasks as
> filtering dups from bko are done by us.
> On the other hand I saw some functionality arise in kipi capable
> applications which could have been done as a kipi and where we would all
> benefit from.
> I have no trouble with an extra ml, extra kipi or another repository.
> Renchi is no longer developing for digiKam, so we are down one guy here.
> What I like to know if any other developer is going to care about the
> kipi's... If not, you might be right, but don't expect tremendous progress
> in the kipi's, we could use developers whereever it is located.
> Toma
I knew kipi/kipi-plugins using gwenview. I'm not main developer
either gwenview or kipi. I'm the Mandriva packager and maintainer of this 
project (gwenview as well).
I use a digital camera since last Christmas so i've never had known kipi (as
digikam) but thanks to gwenview.
As packager and maintainer but also as user i like very much
the availability of sharing the same plugins, same structures and
same commands in my kde environment.

I'm sorry Renchi does not develop any more. But i believe this
project should go on. I hope (well I'd expect to) other graphics
applications go on in developing and helping.

As far as I'm concerned I'll always follow this project - bugzilla,
little bug fixing when I'm able to, and packaging- since it
*remains* a single project. I'm not the digikam Mandirva maintainer,
even if sometimes i help in, and going back would mean i could leave....

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