[Kde-i18n-fa] some problems

Arash Partow arash at partow.net
Fri Oct 3 11:25:32 CEST 2003


>I've seen another strange word in the dictionary "bitnaghs" for bitmap.
>sounds good, but isn't bitmap a standard name and I don't know,maybe
>property of an organization or company. should we translate these names
>to Farsi.

bitmap as defined in IOI comps is an n-dimensional matrix-map where every
node in the map (i.e.: block) is represented in a minimalist fashion using a
binary state. I don't think anyone can trademark or patent the name, idea or
concept of a bitmap. They may however patent and/or trademark variants,
derivatives of bitmaps, which in that case I think we should phonetically
translate whatever name they have chosen into Persian, other than that I
don't see why we can't come up with original, interesting, awe-inspiring
equivalents in Persian. :)



PS: bitnaghsh sounds a "bit" odd, Does anyone know the TRUE
      Persian translation for bit ?

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Instead of being one who knows not what they don't know,
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