[Kde-i18n-fa] question

Aryan Ameri a.ameri at linuxiran.org
Thu May 1 12:59:09 CEST 2003

On Thursday 01 May 2003 10:20, Abbas Izad wrote:
> Hossein, Your description is good enough to seperate these two words.
> Any suggestion for picking a good translation for 'Remove'? Aryan
> wants another suggestion than 'Bardashtan'. Is it OK to use 'Az miyan
> bardashtan'?
> Guys, please come up with suggestion on this! I am stuck here.

I don't like bardashtan because I think it is a bit long, so don't even 
mention that longer one ;-)

First of all, you shouldn't be stuck. Because, just fuzzy (Ctrl+u) the 
string which you currently can not translate, and then, you can easily 
come back to all your fuzzy strings.

Ofcourse you can continue with bardashtan for now, and if we ever want 
to change it, you can use (Ctrl+r) to change all of them at once.

Oh, and I just love KBabel ;-)


/* My grandfather told me about how when he was a kid,
they traded files on something called "Napster",
and how it got in trouble for something about "copyright." 
I'm not exactly sure what that is, but apparently, information 
wasn't free back then. I'm glad things have changed */

Aryan Ameri

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