[Kde-i18n-fa] question

Aryan Ameri a.ameri at linuxiran.org
Thu May 1 04:14:41 CEST 2003

On Thursday 01 May 2003 01:21, Abbas Izad wrote:
> I have described a problem bellow and asked for solution.
> what you suggest is that we shall let two subtitle having the same
> name (i.e. hazf) appears somewhere in farsikde, is that right?

No not at all, I just asked weather there was a diffrence between remove 
and delete. But now that I look at my previous mail, I can see that it 
wasn't clear at all. Maybe I shall stop sending emails after 3:00 AM 

> I think 'remove' means almost like 'cut' which give you an option to
> paste what you have just removed somewhere else but with 'delete' you
> erase something and cannot paste it back. what do you think?

> PS: I guess I formulate my question bellow poorly. sorry about that!

well, it seems I was the one, which asked the question in the wrong way. 
I really didn't want to sound like in my opinion there is no diffrence 
between remove and delete. I just wanted to simply ask: "Is there such 
a diffrence?" Now that you seem to prove that there is a diffrence 
between these two, it also seems incorrect to me that in farsikde we 
have used the same word for both of them. No, I don't want to confuse 
users, and if there really is such a diffrence, this should be 
corrected. The problem is that when we were translating KDE 3.1, we 
thought there is no diffrence between remove and delete. 

> I am not neither so new in linux world. I started with RH 4.2 1996
> and I compiled my first KDE when it still was in beta version. I have
> BS in computer science and MS in Electrical Engineering. I use
> Solaris 8 at work and have (x86) at home. I use w2k/xp as well but I
> wash my hands afterward.

Now, about your experience, it surely is impressive dude! But take a 
chill pal, I never said that I am a GNU/Linux guru. I'm just a 17 year 
old boy (Arash Zeini says I'm 18), currently a freshman in CS, who just 
started using GNU/Linux in 2001. And to my shame, as much as I would 
have loved, in all my life I haven't been able to get my hands to 
anything other than x86. I know that PPC and Sparc (RISC based 
architectures in general) guys always insist that x86 is rubbish, but 
this rubbish is really all we ordinary customers can get our hands on. 
(I flirted with the idea of buying a iBook or a PowerBook for a while, 
but Apple's stuff is still a bit pricy). 

When I wrote that part in my last email, about me working with computers 
for 10 years and so on, I just meant to say that after all this time, I 
haven't been able to find the diffrence between delete and remove (I'm 
dumb you see). Sorry if I couldn't explain myself clearly.

> I congratulate you for your knowelege. no one is more proud than me
> having you guys as my fellew country men.

Am I also included in these 'guys' ? 
If yes, then I shall save this email, and take a look at it, next time 
when I get that feeling that I should commit suicide.... :-D

OK, all said, do you have any better translation for 'remove', aside 
from 'bardashtan' ?


/* My grandfather told me about how when he was a kid,
they traded files on something called "Napster",
and how it got in trouble for something about "copyright." 
I'm not exactly sure what that is, but apparently, information 
wasn't free back then. I'm glad things have changed */

Aryan Ameri

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