[Kde-i18n-fa] Tux4 kids + Knoppix made!
Arash Zeini
Thu, 6 Feb 2003 21:35:48 +0330
On Thursday 06 February 2003 20:50, Aryan Ameri wrote:
> Hi there:
> I came across this article
> http://newsforge.com/newsforge/03/02/03/1918221.shtml?tid=23
> Which is a review of a project producing a Tux4 kids + Knoppix CD. It seems
> as arash zeini first pointed out (and I have to admit, first I didn't see
> the market for such a thing, but now i can clrealy see it), kids will love
> such a live cd with kids games in it.
> I hope the next version of shabdix, will have so many games and so many
> edutainment programs in it, that people just won't shut it down.
Stay with us just for a while longer and we will do that one too :)
> This section is interesting
> Take a Tux4Kids/Knoppix CD to a school or a parentally-inclined friend's
> house and you will be doing some outstanding Linux evangelism. The only
> thing more likely to spread Linux than a CFO showing how much less it costs
> than Windows or commercial Unix in a server room, is a small child
> winsomely asking, "Mommy, can I have a Linux? Can I play with the penguins
> some more?"
> Cheers
The FarsiKDE Project