[Kde-i18n-fa] Hi

Zoup Zouuup at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 23 23:29:01 CEST 2003

  "jabeye daryaft" for "Inbox"
  "jabeye ersal" for "outbox"
  about CC and BCC
  cc is courtesy copy which means "copie moaddabane!!" (in a bad translation) 
  in the oxford pocket dictionary, there is an idiom: "by courtesy of" that is "with the favour 

  or permision of"... 
  I suggest to use "copie post" for "CC" and "copy post penhan" for "BCC" (blinde 

  courtesy copy) as we used "post" for mail

  and I used "nam" for "first name" and "name khanevadegi" for "last name".

  Thanks in advance for suggestions 

  I did saw in emails about texts in tags... when a string starts with tags how should I 

  make the translation to be right to left? when I write inside the tag (in english) it turns 

  left to right..


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  Kde-i18n-fa at mail.kde.org

  as Aryan suggest , I think "sandogh ersal/daryaft" are ok , its simple and easy to understand , so its user friendly :) 

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