Considering stopping i18n for

Emir SARI emir_sari at
Sun Feb 19 07:58:22 GMT 2023


> Phu Hung Nguyen <phu.nguyen at> şunları yazdı (19 Şub 2023 01:46):
> I would like to take this chance to ask for your opinions: do you think it's worth the effort to translate this website? Or do you enjoy translating this website?

Yes. Haven’t started yet, but it’s definitely on my list.

> I don't know how the i18n of this website started, but my opinion, as said in [1], is that this website contains mostly technical stuff, of course we can make it translatable, but I'm not sure that's what we should do now, especially when this website still has a lot of issues (both errors/problems and improvements) in English to be taken care of. That's why I propose that we stop i18n of this website.

What’s the difference? Strings are being improved all the time, I personally have no issues translating it, and revisiting it for the improvements once they are updated.

Plus, translating technical stuff is always a good challenge and improves the target language itself, via accommodating the fast-paced Anglo technical sphere.

Best regards,
Emir (𐰽𐰺𐰍)

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