Plural forms in Georgian language (Amarok)
Albert Astals Cid
aacid at
Mon Apr 25 23:12:23 BST 2022
El dissabte, 23 d’abril de 2022, a les 15:01:30 (CEST), Zurab Kargareteli va escriure:
> As requested by Albert Astals Cid let's discuss this issue.
> The plural forms in these cases is not correct for Georgian language.
> "The plural suffix is not used when the noun is preceded by a quantifier of
> some kind, such as a cardinal number. Therefore, for example, "five men" in
> Georgian is expressed as, "xuti (5) k'atsi," not "xuti k'atsebi.""
> Is copied from here:
> For example in Amarok:
> English
> Singular: 1 minute
> Plural: 5 minutes
> Georgian
> Singular: 1 წუთი ( 1 tsuti )
> Plural: 5 წუთი ( 5 tsuti )
> As for the "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
> Poedit is doing it by default for Georgian language. If you think I should
> change it, OK I'll do it.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but you are agreeing with me that you don't need a plural form because the singular and the plural translation is the same, no?
If they are the same, what's the benefit of having two different translations?
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